“Who is KC? Artist, singer, writer, coach, therapist… I can’t answer in a simple way, because he is all of that. I can only describe how the fact that I’ve met him has impacted on me. He is the most positive person that I know. I started meetings with KC more than 1 year ago, and gradually, week after week I started to grow. Now, I am waiting for every session, I feel charged, I feel stronger, I see clearlier my goals and my future.
Our sessions have changed the way I approach relations with people in my private life, at work, on the street, in the market. Now, I try to find the positive sides of everybody and set “healthy borders” on my side. I meet with people, who are positive, who think in similar ways as me, who have similar values, priorities and approach to life. The sessions have accelerated my growth and brought new understanding to many aspects of life. Now I wonder why I haven’t seen many things before – which were just in front of my eyes.
Now I understand why I was subconsciously avoiding negative people, negative information on TV, internet, etc. I started to put these blocks together and now everything is easier.
Last year was quite difficult and complicated for many people. The sessions have helped me to lean on other people for support without feeling shame or tension. Now I can see more dependencies in relations with people. Now I can concentrate on details, on issues that I am interested in. I can express myself better than before, I understand my emotions as well as the emotions of others and I can talk about that freely. I feel more comfortable, more confident, and I know – that is a good direction in my personal growth.
I recommend working with KC because I haven’t met anybody before like him, who can unfold problems on basic parts and one by one study with you your dependencies and while you navigate the problems, he remains so positive and with a smile.”