Hi, I'm KC Nwokoye founder and lead coach of SHINE AKADEMY. Through my customised programs, I've helped thousands of people break mental barriers, create the relationship of their dreams with the love of their life, start their own businesses, find their dream jobs, become happier, healthier and wealthier. All results are created using my thoroughly researched, proven, step-by-step systems. Let me show you how you too can create a life of personal and professional fulfilment.


Create your Ideal Life

“It’s not about better time management. It’s about better life management” — Alexandra of The Productivity Zone

Is a powerful and comprehensive life planning program to clarify your life decisions, goals, values, mission, vision and purpose so that you can create a centred life that is fully aligned with who you are at your core and who you are becoming. This program will integrate peace and harmony into every area of your life and help you create a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life, career or business.

If you feel lost in your life and have no idea how to move in the direction of who you authentically are and want to be then this program is right for you and sets you back on course and teaches you to become aligned with yourself so you can live a truly fulfilling life and get back to the path of self-actualization and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

In this program, you will identify the root causes of conflict in every important area of your life and create lasting solutions so that you can return to your whole self with all the lost pieces rediscovered and strengthened. You learn new approaches to better manage your life, relationship, character, career and business to get the best out of your life.

In this program you will learn;

 • Motivation triggers that put you in a positive state of mind to accomplish more and stress less.
• To work in harmony towards your North-star
• Your true purpose in life and who you truly are at your core
• How to create a powerful vision that will be the foundation for your life and your business
• To become aligned with your life’s purpose
• To transition from the mindset of a worker to a leader who solves problems
• How to heal from negative emotions
• Mastermind techniques that will reveal the insights of successful entrepreneurial thinking
• How to create a compelling mission that will attract new amazing opportunities to your life
• How to create the North-star of your business so you are fully in alignment
• Build a trust worthy reputation that is authentic and believable
• How to create your own tribe of like-minded thinkers
• How to use your power in full capacity
• Prioritize and manage your time efficiently


“…I strongly believe that life is the hardest art to master, and having such a person as KC in your corner, is priceless. There is only as far as you can go with your natural talents, and if there’s something more that you want to achieve, working with such a talented coach is the best way to get it. From my personal experience, I must admit that the positive results I get from working with KC affects not only me, but also my surroundings – my wife, my relatives and friends, and my team at work, to mention only a few. Reflecting on that makes all the efforts really worthwhile.” – Rafal Kimla | Test Engineer, Founder Smart-Testing

“Before I started working with KC I lived with a deep feeling that I was stuck in my life. I wanted to change something, improve my private and professional life. At that time I didn’t know what I would like to change. In fact, based on my present knowledge, I was unaware of so many things about me, my values, beliefs that this program helped me with. I felt something was lacking in my life, feeling stuck in private and professional life. I was not aware of my needs and many values which were deeply important for me. I also had problems with communication, clarity in expression of my thoughts, feelings and emotions… Now this program provides me many benefits. I discovered many things about me, my values, my needs. I became more aware in many aspects… I started to communicate more clearly. I also better organise my time. I see many benefits in the scope of raising my kids, communication with them, understanding their needs and emotions. I also improved my relationship with my wife and inspired her to grow and change her life for the better…I would recommend this program for persons who try to find meaning in their life. Who would like to improve their personal and professional life, communication skills. Discover or learn more about themselves, their values and needs. This program lets us discover ourselves, our deep beliefs, and needs. Improving and developing self awareness, lets us see the world from other perspectives in many aspects. I would recommend it to people who would like to discover themselves.” – Simon Bąbski | Senior Engineer


“When you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.” — Eckhart Tolle

Are you tired of worrying that your whole life will go bye and you will never discover your true purpose? Are you tired of that fear that tightens around your chest when you suddenly have those thoughts and feeling that you are wasting your life on doing things that you know is not a good fit for you and no longer serve you? Do you fear that you will never align with your true calling in life? Do you wonder if you will ever make any real impact in the way you truly desire? Do you fear that if you continue on the path you are currently on then you may never see the fullness of your talents, potential and hidden gifts realized? Do you want to change the world even a little but not sure how and where to start? These fears are real and they never go away unless you face them and answer the call deep down within you. The clock is ticking. What are you going to do about it?

This is often the case if you are highly creative, a high performer, ambitious, hard working, highly skilled and talented and often hear how talented you are or how amazing your ideas are but you just don’t know how to get to the finish line of all those amazing insights you keep getting and you often find yourself losing motivation and completely drained of energy from lack of taking action, over-thinking or just too afraid. The reality is, you sometimes get overwhelmed, scared and over stimulated and take on too many projects at a time because you can’t seem to decide what to focus on first, what to prioritize and you want to finally have a comprehensive approach once and for all be fully in control of your life, career and business and enjoy a fully centred life where you can experience peace of mind while living a life that is well integrated, fulfilling and aligned. If this is you, then this program is definitely for you.

Do you ever have trouble finishing what you start? Do you have amazing ideas but never seem to have the enthusiasm and discipline to follow through? Do you desire more peace of mind, joy and fulfilment more than anything you’ve ever wanted? Do you believe that you are powerful and talented but you can’t quite seem to know how to bring it all together to create abundance in your life? Do you have problems keeping healthy boundaries? Have you been looking for balance in your life but just can’t seem to find it and even when you do, it doesn’t seem to last?

The truth is that the problem isn’t always you. It’s not that you’re not working hard enough or intelligent enough but simply that you are out of alignment with who you are at your core and this keeps you operating within the belief and mental models that are holding you back and Life Management Mastery has been designed with you in mind to help you get back to your best and teach you the systems that will change everything for you.

Whether you want to leave a dead-end job, heal from negative emotions, heal a relationship, grow a business, master your money, your career or just find some free time for joy in your day, Life Management Mastery will help you not only change your mindset and belief systems but will provide you the tools to live, work and think in a way that makes your life more positive and your dreams more manageable. You will learn to finally create the life you have long been dreaming of and this time keep it and share it with the world.


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