“KC has an incredible ability to find strong character traits and competencies that can be developed, A life attitude representing joy and cordiality in relationships. He has the patience and the ability to draw the right conclusions. These few traits are very important in the areas that KC helps others to develop. These are his natural features supported by knowledge. It’s a rare combination. I would describe my experience with KC Nwokoye as only positive. Thanks to him, I also learned to be grateful for many seemingly ordinary things and he showed me with his attitude that you can create a fantastic positive aura around yourself by rejecting anger and things that block us. And if we have obstacles or people who do not understand what we are about and what our values are, then no problem, we will find people who understand. Thanks to the KC, I also strengthened my belief that the road to the goal is the goal itself and gives more satisfaction than achieving it, and that goals are different for everyone. It allows for a better life – simply. Thanks KC 🙂

Our joint work has brought great results. Thanks to KC and the challenges we set for each other, I greatly improved my skills and competences in organising events. KC Nwokoye has a natural talent backed by knowledge and hard work. He is able to notice character traits in his business partners and friends and skillfully lead them towards the improvement and development of the most important competences. He understands intuitively that it is impossible to train everyone in every area. He focuses on discovering the strengths of a given person and thanks to his skills and his cordial nature, great results quickly appear. I can wholeheartedly say that our work together has brought me great benefits in terms of soft skills, but also developed as a person and I began to see many important things. Of course, I have natural predispositions, but KC helped me discover and develop hidden ones. Not without significance is the fact that working together has brought a lot of satisfaction and joy. I am also grateful for friendship.

My relationship with KC Nwokoye began many years ago with a social visit. It turned out then that we have a lot of common topics to talk about because KC shares his music with people. He is a very open person with a lot of experience and knowledge, but above all he is a sensitive, wise man with great personal culture and a rare ability to reach people of different personality types. After many meetings and long conversations, we became friends and decided to work together on a music project that had never been seen before in Poland, which was a continuation of the musical path that he invented and went through for many years. Together with KC, we conceived and developed a project called “Vintage Show- Bringing Back Vintage Entertainment”. We used all KC’s musical experience and ideas and developed them in a coherent, legible and beautiful graphic form for the audience. Thanks to this work, a new platform and product was created which served as a base for the sale, organisation and promotion of extraordinary, wonderful concerts, whole shows referring to the best events of this type in the world.

I rate our joint assessment at 5 because we worked hard together, I achieved a lot and KC also learned from my experience. He listened to advice in areas in which I have experience and competence, or I knew the reality better. This attitude is characteristic only to the best who want to improve all the time and develop their skills. This is an honest assessment because we both know how hard it was sometimes and what difficulties we faced. What I liked the most was the enthusiasm with which we worked together, the atmosphere of discovering new ideas and implementing them and seeing how they work in practice. We both have an optimistic outlook on life but with an attitude that life has to be backed up by hard work and that’s a value in itself. Respect for others and yourself, but sometimes requiring honesty towards yourself and others, which puts high demands on all team members.

All our joint projects can certainly be considered a great success and I remember well the joy that accompanied us. KC also acted as the main artist and star of each show and he was great in that role. This is not an obvious connection for the co-organizer and the artist which he is both. There were so many great moments that it’s hard to pick just one. I think that what I remember the most is the cordial atmosphere and joy that accompanied everyone during each event. I also want KC to know that I am grateful that we had the opportunity to work together and develop an amazing project. This experience changed me in many areas. There were difficult and very difficult moments because the market is difficult and we were met with external circumstances that I would never have expected and no one could have predicted, but I am persistent, and so is KC. I believe that we have always given our best, which I am proud of. Sometimes KC wanted to give more knowledge and motivation than I was able to take from him, he is like that, he never ceases in his efforts so that the people he goes through life with can also look at its beauty and manifest it in their actions.

Yes I would work with KC Nwokoye again because he is a proven partner with whom I have friendship and many beautiful memories of our cooperation. I work differently now and in other projects and this is also the result of our joint work and the experiences we have gathered, but I would be curious how we would use our experience, skills and knowledge in new areas and where would we find them? Of course, I would use the skills and knowledge that KC offers again. I have developed a lot, but I know that KC is also developing and perfecting its already high competences, and it is a continuous process that never ends.

I would recommend the services of KC Nwokoye, and in general I would recommend it to people who are aware of how important it is to discover their strong competences, which are usually hidden. It changes lives and makes us go in a direction that is compatible with us. We become calmer and we have more joy. If you are considering working with KC Nwokoye I would say don’t be afraid, try it for yourself. Be open to cooperation with openness and cordiality and you will surely get the same because that’s what KC Nwokoye is and gives. Open to a new way of thinking and even if you get tired sometimes give yourself time because it’s a process and the mind has to switch and add new ideas.”