“Before I started working with KC I lived with a deep feeling that I was stuck in my life. I wanted to change something, improve my private and professional life. At that time I didn’t know what I would like to change. In fact, based on my present knowledge, I was unaware of so many things about me, my values, beliefs that this program helped me with. I felt something was lacking in my life, feeling stuck in private and professional life. I was not aware of my needs and many values which were deeply important for me. I also had problems with communication, clarity in expression of my thoughts, feelings and emotions.

As a result of this problem, I had an impression of being stuck in life. Lack of energy in private and professional life. Feeling that other people didn’t understand me. Lack of balance in my life and the impression that having a family must be approached in a certain way.

Now this program provides me many benefits. I discovered many things about me, my values, my needs. I became more aware in many aspects… I started to communicate more clearly. I also better organise my time. I see many benefits in the scope of raising my kids, communication with them, understanding their needs and emotions. I also improved my relationship with my wife and inspired her to grow and change her life for the better.

Also, I started to grow, and realised my needs like learning and studying. I changed my job with a 40% salary increase. I have better contact with my children and wife. When I fulfil my needs I have more energy both in private and professional life. I also try to be an inspiration for other people… I feel great with the impression that I have grown. After the guidance from the program, I also have more patience and understanding for other people.

I would recommend this program for persons who try to find meaning in their life. Who would like to improve their personal and professional life, communication skills. Discover or learn more about themselves, their values and needs. This program lets us discover ourselves, our deep beliefs, and needs. Improving and developing self awareness, lets us see the world from other perspectives in many aspects. I would recommend it to people who would like to discover themselves.”