I hope you are feeling positive about this new year! My wish for you is that you dedicate yourself to doing the ordinary things in life with joy. Loving your friends and your beautiful family. Connecting deeper with yourself. Enjoy your evening showers or baths. Take the time each day to enjoy the sunset or sunrise. Go for a walk while you enjoy the scenery. Prepare and eat your favourite meals. Listen and dance to your favourite tunes. Remember that you are going to spend a majority of your lifetime doing ordinary things so you might as well enjoy doing them. Do them well. Do them to the best of your abilities. Keep finding meaning in the small things of life. There is just as much value in rest and ordinary things as there is in striving for the extraordinary.

I also want you to dedicate yourself to the extraordinary things like working on your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Be invested in your personal growth. Continue to push and challenge the borders of your mind to discover your next levels of joy, fulfilment, peace of mind and higher purpose. Take a moment to feel the emotions that run through you. Try to understand them and the message they contain.

The key to growing your joy is to keep doing the small things as well as you do the big things. The key to deeper levels of joy is to be grateful for where you are today even as you strive for new heights tomorrow. The key is to make sure that you are giving your best to each input and the actions that matter most to you. When you express yourself in this way in every important area of your life then the output will consistently produce good fruits. There will be some disappointments as well as leaps of soul-singing joy. Be present for all of it. There is value in failing as much as there is value in succeeding. What matters most is that you are going for the things you love in life.

My wish for you this year is that you will focus on giving your best to the small things you do everyday. Give your best to doing the things that matter most to you first and foremost. Give your best to doing the things that solve your life problems. Give your best to make sure that at the end of each day you have emptied yourself to serve your highest values. Give your best to your moments of joy. To serve those things that matter most to you. To serve those who love you most and give grace to those who may not.

The key to increasing your joy is to put yourself at the centre of your life so that you can best serve others with a fuller self. The key to deeper levels of joy is to invest in your mental, emotional and spiritual development. The more you give yourself, the more you have to give others. When you do this everyday or almost everyday then you will continue to tap into the gifts and discoveries that are in your innermost self.

Be proud of yourself. Celebrate the work you have put in that has brought great results. Celebrate the efforts that may not have brought you the desired results. Be grateful for the valuable lessons you have gained through the process of self-discovery. I want you to celebrate and toast to your growth. Take a moment to be grateful for where you are today and where you’re coming from. It’s a journey and you’re still in the game. Remember that. Take a moment to acknowledge yourself. You have survived thus far and in some cases you have triumphed.

From the depths of my heart, I want to thank you for doing the deep work daily. Thank you for your joy. Thank you for being authentic. You are an amazing resource to someone in your life. You are a gift to many in your life. Keep sharing your gifts and wisdom with those who need them. The lives of your loved ones will continue to blossom because of who you are and who you are becoming. Be proud of your efforts. At the same time, be humbled by them. Let your experience continue to be a valuable resource to you.

The wisdom you cultivate through learning and self-growth is the light that shines brightly within you. It is the light that you carry. Keep doing that deep work everyday for there lies your self-fulfilment. That is your Northstar. Your alignment with your highest values is the light that will continue to guide you. Let your light shine and keep on shining!

With joy, hope and enthusiasm, I welcome you warmly into 2023.

Shine bright. Live full.

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