“Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.” —Bill Bradley

I often find that people have a hard time understanding what a coach really does and how that differs from what trainers, therapists and mentors do. The difference mostly lies in the process in which they approach solving a problem. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on what a “good coach” does. The phrase a “good coach” is used to refer to a coach who is effective in getting results and providing value for their clients. The whole point of working with a coach is to significantly improve the quality of your life. Just like therapy helps people heal from a traumatic past event through psychoanalysis and awareness, high quality coaching does the same and more. Coaching is usually focused on helping you analyze and become more aware of your problems and deeply rooted conflicts with the goal of solving them. A goodcoach helps you advance in your life and move into a brighter future by helping you create lasting solutions to pressing problems. High quality coaching also energizes your life in the present with an implementation system to unblock limiting beliefs and help you step into the best life possible for you. Qualitative coaching helps you create a clear path to the solution you are looking for. It begins with addressing the problems holding you back. Though you will find different systems of coaching depending on the coach, my system with my clients is customized to their specific needs. A good coach is there to support you and enable you to realize your most desired dreams and vision. Coaching helps you drive at the root of the problem so you can move your life forward. It also helps you identify what you really want and then provides you with the best pathways to get there. Coaching is the bridge that connects everything you’ve ever learned including your unique-abilities, expert skills, and perspectives on life in a way that is useful to you. Coaching helps you use everything in your life as a propeller to craft out a better and brighter future starting in the present to move into your desired future.

Rafal one of my clients explains it best: “…Just as athletes have coaches that help them make progress, KC is taking care of every aspect of his clients’ lives with the sole purpose of growth and improvement, always providing objective and honest feedback. He always gets down to the root cause behind the problem and uses his analytical skills to provide a solution, which he clearly and transparently describes. What he is proposing is always well-thought, practical, and experience based. Whenever you have a blind spot, KC is able to identify it and help you see it…”. Another good example of how coaching works can be summed up in the work I did with one of my clients Dorothy. Some years ago, Dorothy said to me right before we decided on a customized program for her. She explained that all she wanted me to do was to help her get a raise at work and I answered, “no problem” and explained that we would discuss that in detail during our first session. During our first session, I listened carefully because our opening sessions are designed to understand what my clients really want and by the end of the first session the answer to that was clear to both Dorothy and me. It turned out that not only did she want a salary raise, but she also wanted a partner to share her life. She wanted to reunite with a beloved family member whom she had a difficult relationship and wanted to heal that fractured relationship. And if you are wondering if that’s all she wanted then the answer is no. That wasn’t all. Dorothy also had a powerful urge to work professionally with her extraordinary talent of painting which was her passion, and she was great at. She wanted to use her painting talents in her job as a landscape architect and needed me to help her find a way to do that. In subsequent sessions she also expressed that for a very long time, she had been feeling like she was wasting her life, lost her sense of purpose and wanted to feel alive again by working with her passion and not be crippled by the fear that she is getting older and may never get to create the kind of life that she’s always envisioned for herself, and the list goes on.

The point here is that Dorothy wanted far more than she originally thought she did. After our first fewsessions she felt liberated from holding on to so many negative beliefs about herself. She also began to feel excited, exuberant and a bit worried that she had shared too much and wondered out loud whether I could help make all her deep desires come to fruition. I assured her that she had done the right thing by letting me know all she wanted out of life. She trusted the structured program I had customized to help her find a way to realize her dreams. So many people who are stuck in life can benefit from working with a coach to help them solve their pressing problems. It is important to note that people do not just want a coach or any coach for that matter. Every person I have ever worked with or spoken to about coaching simply wants a qualified coach who can help them get their desired results. I went on to present my client Dorothy with an implementation plan and together we decided on the best systems to help bring her vision and goals to life. I also made it clear to Dorothy that there was a lot of work to be done and she assured me that she was up for the challenge. I told her that trusting the process every step of the way and doing the required work would help her to get the results that she deeply desired. Fortunately for us both,she was ready and committed to doing her part and put in all the necessary effort. After almost a year of working together, Dorothy got the salary raise she initially wanted. She increasedher income by 300%. She also got more than that. She got her dream job that allowed her to use herartistic talents and a job which paid her five times over what she earned previously. During our work together she completely changed her mindset. She mended the relationships in her life that were important to her and that were previously holding her back. She met someone special and started a new romantic relationship which is something that she really wanted. The truth is that it took hard work for Dorothy to turn her life around and she was a great partner to work with. During our work together there were some tough times, some hard truths to be told, and some tears from time to time. Through it all she received trust, respect, patience, compassion, and empathy from me. Dorothy knew she could absolutely rely on the comprehensive systems we had in place to get her to where she wanted to be. Especially on the tough days. Dorothy knew she was not alone and would not be doing it all by herself which is what most people who do not have a coach struggle with. What I have learned in the last fifteen years of working with people is that everyone struggles especially with the tough days and do not want to go at it alone. This is one of the reasons many often give up down the road because they do not have a clear next steps or guidance. They do not have a roadmap to success. Dorothy knew this and hired a coach to help her. She understood that after several failed attempts it was time to reach out and get help. I patiently guided Dorothy through the tough times just as I have for countless of my clients over the years. It took almost a year of work for Dorothy to get to all her desired outcomes and she did so in flying colors. The customized program I designed for Dorothy was Life Management Mastery one of our top Shine Akademy programs which helped to create the right mindset and opportunities that she needed to build the lifestyle and future she desired. Dorothy just like many clients before used our structured programs to navigate the road to their personal success.

Dorothy’s story illustrates that a coach’s job is to help people identify where they are on their journey and figure out where they want to go. A coach helps their clients to clarify what they want to achieve. To identify what is working and what needs to change for them to step into the life they truly desire. The coach listens to what they want to change in their life and then supports them with the best pathways to get there.

As a coach I offer personalized structured programs in self-awareness, self-discipline, personal mastery, self-discovery, personal leadership, professional leadership, mindset development, entrepreneurship, communication, spiritual intelligence, emotional Intelligence, love and relationship, career advancement and finding purpose. These programs help my clients with the tools and systems to get to their next level of joy, success, and fulfillment in both personal and professional life. As a coach I help to bridge the gap between where my clients are and where they want to be or get to. Part of my job is helping them get there smarter and faster. It is my focus with each and every client.
All our programs at SHINE AKADEMY are tailor-made and applies a structured coaching process that help our clients transform their lives holistically. I have found that this process performs better than more
traditional coaching system which has a broader focus and may not fully address the root causes of distress, conflict, disillusion, and crisis. Our programs also integrates the uniquenes of our clients to create customized opportunities and lasting solutions. Here’s what some of our clients are saying
